
New neurotechnology applications required devices that didn't exist—so we built them.

We've reimagined the neural interface, building products that are compatible with the future of minimally-invasive surgery

Our technology opens the door to entirely new BCI applications

Wireless & high data throughput

SOMA-1 leverages high-bandwidth optical communication to deliver ultra-high data rates on a low power budget.

We're using this high-fidelity brain data to discover novel biomarkers, explore new therapeutic targets, and drive speedier disease intervention.


Opto's flagship neurotechnology platform is smaller than any other on the market, enabled by novel electrode materials, batteryless operation, and advanced manufacturing methods.

We’re creating a safer, minimally invasive device without compromising on features.

Flexible & scalable

Our platform conforms to the body using ultra-flexible materials that mimic the natural properties of biological tissue. This enables higher electrode coverage, higher electrode count, and longer-term integration with the body.

We're unlocking whole brain interfacing.

MRI transparent

Our platform is designed to elicit minimal MRI artefact. Not only does this unlock training against MRI data not possible with other implants, but it also allows us to use neural interfaces in diseases where MRI is essential and inevitable.

SOMA-1 is the only BCI that can capture real-time electrical and imaging data.